Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Can You Really Win an IPhone 4 Through an Online Contest? (web, internet, hoax, scam, con, victim)

Legitimate of IPhone 4 Contests. If you have spent anytime online, then you know that there are many advertisements that will offer a contest to win a prize. It is inevitable that you will run into one of these ads no matter what kind of site that you visit normally. These days, there is a good chance that you will even see the ad in your email and we are not talking about spam. But like anything else online, you must be careful when you are dealing with ads such as this. Usually if something seems too good to be true then it probably is.
The dangers of the Ads
With ads such as these, they are a great way to get someone’s attention. But the fact is, there are legitimate online contest and there are fake ones. You have to be careful in which ones that you go to. These contests are a great way to either get attention to a product or information from the person that wants to enter the contest. After all, there has to be some incentive for the person that is throwing the contest to have it. But these are the same incentives for someone to throw a fake contest as well. They want your name and email address so that they can send you spam, or they want to trick you into adding even more information into the form. This is information that will give them your personal data and allow them to take advantage of it. Some of these fake contests might even ask for a credit card number. Again, most legitimate contest will not ask for this kind of information so be weary of those that do.
The legitimate IPhone 4 contests
As we said earlier, a lot of these contests are either rigged or fake but there are just as many that are real as well. The one thing about being online is that there is always something going on if you know where to look. So to get your attention, legitimate web sites will throw a contest to get you to come to their site. A lot of these same legitimate web sites are throwing IPhone 4 contest right now. Some of the sites you can just enter and win and some of them you have to purchase something from their site to be able to claim the prize. Either way, they give you a good chance of winning your very own IPhone 4 without paying the deep price. So if you have a chance, enter as many of these contests as you can and test your luck.
Final notes about an IPhone 4 contest
When it comes to contest such as these, you just have to be careful where you are entering at. Make sure that the web site that you are entering the contest at is legitimate and has a good track record on awarding prizes. You can use Google to double check this for you.

This post is sponsored by Abby Technology Limited - Blackberry, Android Phone Repair and Apple iPhone Unlock Professional.